Former Municipal Prosecutor
Deputy Attorney General
The Law Office of
"Your Municipal Court Attorney"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Now Serving ALL of New Jersey
How I Can Help You
Thank you for visiting my web site. If you have come this far it’s likely that you or a loved one has a matter pending in Municipal Court. The fines and penalties in Municipal Court range greatly from; jail time, having a Criminal Record, serving time on probation, the loss of your drivers license, motor vehicle points being added to your driving record, doing community service, or monetary fines. Municipal Court cases can be resolved by; trials, dismissals, plea-bargaining to a lesser offense, a conditional discharge, a conditional dismissal or pleading guilty to the charge. Hiring a skilled attorney to represent your legal interests can be very helpful to get your charges reduced or, in some cases, dismissed entirely.
I have experience serving as the Municipal Prosecutor in 23 Municipal Courts in Ocean and Monmouth counties, including Toms River Municipal Court, which is the 7th largest Municipal Court in the State of New Jersey. In that capacity I have tried hundreds of cases and plea-bargained tens of thousands of cases. As a former prosecutor myself, I know which legal arguments are more likely to be successful in persuading the prosecutor, judge or the police officers involved in your case, to get you the best possible outcome.
Most importantly, I take great pride in devoting 100% of my law practice to defending clients in Municipal Court. I do not do wills, personal injury cases, real estate closings, landlord tenant disputes, small claims court, divorces, workers compensation or “whatever walks in the door”. Simply put, Municipal Court is all that I do. Additionally, I run a solo practice. For me, that means that I am the only attorney at the law office and perhaps some longer days. For you, that means individualized attention and service. There are no “Junior Associates” that will fill-in for me. I handle each case and each client personally to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in Municipal Court.
I do offer a FREE legal consultation to discuss your case and to evaluate your legal options. I will develop a personalized legal defense for you and evaluate the possible resolutions to your case. All consultations will be considered "confidential" and held in strict confidence. Click on the "RESULTS" tab above then Click on the PDF icon for a list of my case RESULTS. Then, call me today and put my experience to work for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and I thank you again for finding my web site.

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